Helping out on set with Green Eden Productions’ short film project ‘The First Date’ allowed me to get some experience on set, keeping up my own professional practice. Helping out and shooting behind the scenes footage helped me to get into the mind set of shooting a film to a professional standard. This gave me an understanding of how to organise my production, and also how to direct my cast and crew during production. Although they used a small crew, they way they organised each other helps me to understand how I need to compose my own crew, as everyone needs to be on the same page during the shoot, as well as being aware of all risks thay may come into play during the shoot. I also want an efficient production plan, so during filming, I can rely on my team to stay on tagert through the production process. Due to helping out and shooting behind the scenes footage, this has given me the opportunity to create a poster for their film, also developing my own creative thoughts to how I will go about developing my own design work for my film. This design and style of poster has helped me with an idea for a poster for my project, giving a better idea into how I should develop my imagery, pre, during, and post production.